News and What's New
On The Site 2012

It is intended to use this page to keep you updated on what's going on, what past squadron members have been located and, what has been added or changed since your last visit.

The Site is searching for 4050th APS, 814th APS/CDS/SPS and 99th SPS Patches. If you, or some one you know, are/is willing to sell and or donate a 4050th APS, a 814th APS/CDS/SPS or a 99th SPS patch please contact the Site Webmaster: [here]

Archived 2007 entries can be found [Here]
Archived 2008 entries can be found [Here]
Archived 2009 entries can be found [Here]
Archived 2010 entries can be found [Here]
Archived 2011 entries can be found [Here]

"what's new in 2012."

December, 2012


November, 2012

October, 2012

September, 2012

August, 2012

A very slow month, most people were most likely on vacation or away from home or their minds were on other things.

July, 2012

Monday July 9, 2012

A new video of the week has been loaded check it out on the contents page, left hand side towards the bottom. Look for the red "new"

June, 2012

Monday June 25, 2012

We have had two new photos contributed to the site. One from Bob Shultz showing a CDF Team (Airman Peter Danner and Sgt Adams) at the weapons storage area Stoneybrook, circa 1965. The other photo provided by the son of Captain Martin showing his B52 Crew Circa Westover 1959. They are located on page 3 of photos from the past. Go down to the last photo in row 4 and the first photo in row 5 click here

May, 2012

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Our own MSgt (Ret) John V. Meakin Jr. 814th CDS, Security 1964 - 1965, K-9 Section 1966. Recipient of the Bronze Star (Vietnam) hand salutes the Colors at the Town of Windsor's Memorial Day Parade 2012. click here

April, 2012

Sunday, April 28, 2012

Phillip (phil) Williams of the 99th SPS K-9 1967 - 1969 Sent in 3 new photos covering him and his Dog King along with 2 additional photos showing his trusty Austin-Healey MK II and a K-9 vehicle, c. 68/69. Check them out on page 3 of photos from the past. click here

Monday, April 2, 2012

Phillip (Phil) Williams of the 99th SPS visited the Squadron's guest book and filled out the questionnaire. Phil was in the 99th SPS-K-9 section from 1967 - 1969, then headed out to Tan Son Nhut in December of 1969. He will be added to the list of located members shortly.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

We have lost our "Guest Book." The software company that has provided this service for the last 5 + years has stopped maintaining all Guest Book services.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Phillip (Phil) Williams of the 99th SPS has been added to the listing of located Squadron Members.

March, 2012

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tom Fitch - 814th CDS Nov 1961 to Feb 1963 informed us of the following:

Ronald R. Schofield, age 71 who served with the 814th CDS Nov-1961 - March-1963 died Saturday, March 10, 2012 at home surrounded by his family. He leaves his wife of 32 years, Susan L. Johnson; two sons, Mark Schofield and his wife Judy of Shrewsbury and David Schofield and his wife Nancy of Portsmouth, NH; his mother, Birdie (Smith) Schofield of Holden; one sister, Nancy Mosher and her husband Clayton of Princeton; two grandchildren, Cassie and Logan and several nieces and nephews. He was born in Worcester and grew up in Holden; son of the late Waldo Schofield. He later lived in West Boylston before moving to North Brookfield in 1984. Mr. Schofield was a graduate of Wachusett Regional High School, class of 1958. He served four years in the US Air Force. He worked as a installation technician for 30 years for Verizon before retiring in 1998.

February, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Perhaps you might have noticed that this site was down for a few days at the very beginning of this month. There was a slight financial misunderstanding with the company that we use to host this site. A mix-up between what I ordered and what was actually the case. The misunderstanding has been ironed out and the site is now fully operational, hopefully for a long period of time.

*Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ted Ellis, 4050th APS - 814th CDS - Apr 1955 to Oct 1959 noticed a few errors on the site, these were corrected and re-posted Tuesday February 7, 2012. Also Ted provided information on two past members of the 4050th APS. Past members TSgt, (Ret) Elmer H. Bedard and past member Airman 2/C Ralph M. Hird 4050th APS 1955 - 1957. Both Elmer and Ralph are now deciesed and have been added to the listing of "Final Honor's" at the end of the located members page. If anyone has any information regarding Airman 2/C Hird posts after leaving Westover in 1957 please contact the site administrator. It is believed that he was posted to England.

January, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

Anthony (Tony) C. Frisco while rummaging through his old sock drawer came across his orders removing him from OJT (77130) and awarding a PAFSC to 77150. The orders naming Tony, along with: Joseph L. Bumbrey; George L Solis; Wendle I Clemons, JR; Bryon E. Auston; Raymond Baily; Robert P. Trzcinsky; Lief Nielsen; and Melvin J. Sasser are now viewable on the "Squadron Bulletin Board" and can be reach from the main menu. Or; can be seen by clicking on this link which will bring you directly to the Squadron Bulletin Board.

Monday, January 16, 2012

An update to the USPS address and email address for Ted Welch Sr, is now in place on Ted's bio page. Check it out Here

Bulletin Board